Instructions for buildig the
VOD Vibrationl Orgone device.
Alan D. Otterson
The VOD Project
Vibrational Orgonite Device
Copyright Alan D. Otterson
Items needed for making the VOD.
4 3'4" Copper Pipes 24" long
Aluminum shavings
Quarts Crystals Pyrite, BB’s
3'8" Copper refrigerator coiled Copper Tubing
Polyester Resin+hardener
Make a large SBB coil out of the 3/8" copper coil tubing
Solder the four 24" long Copper pipes to the SBB coil as
shown in the photos.
Use a small block 4-6" squar.. Drill four 7/8" Hole spaced apart.
Make a Small SBB coil fitted around a Quarts crystal
you will need 4 of them.
A small pail is used for the mold. Spray the inside of the pail with
Pam cooking oil or wd 40 sprayed into the pail If you wish to take out the harden Orgonite.
Mix the resin according to instructions and pour a little into the pail
the start adding the crystals and metal shavings layering as you pour the resin
to whatever thickness you wish,
The VOD Project
Vibrational Orgonite Device
Copyright Alan D. Otterson
Save a few crystals to place into the top layer as it starts to cure.
That’s all there is. Then after it hardens place four quarts crystals into the
top of the four copper pipes and its done.
Throughout the process you must use your intent and payers to program
the creation to make it work
Alan D. Otterson